How To Manage Your Hay Fever Allergy

19 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog


A hay fever allergy can make it difficult to spend time outside during the spring because of the pollen in the trees. When coming in contact with pollen, you are constantly sneezing, feeling tired, experiencing headaches and having shortness of breath. This condition is also known as seasonal rhinitis, which occurs at certain times during the year. It causes a reaction to pollen that is given off by weeds, trees and grass.

You cannot prevent hay fever allergy and there is no cure. However, you can control the symptoms associated with this condition with allergy treatment.

What Is The Standard Treatment?

When treating hay fever, your doctor is going to prescribe medication that manages your reactions and symptoms. These medications include antihistamines, eye drops and nasal corticosteroids. Antihistamines are one of the most common treatments for this condition.

It comes in a variety of forms from sprays to tablets. This medication stops the release of the chemical histamine. A histamine is a chemical found in the cells inside of your body. It causes many of the symptoms related to allergies. Antihistamines also alleviate sneezing, itching and runny nose. You can also get this medication from the pharmacy with a prescription.

Keep Track Of The Pollen Count

It helps to keep track of the pollen count. You need to monitor pollen count daily. For example, pollen tends to be higher in the early evenings, windy days and when humid. On the other hand, pollen is usually lower on wet and cooler days. Rain removes the pollen from the air.

If you must go out on high pollen days, then you must make the adjustments. After arriving home, you need to change your clothing, shower and wash your hair. These things are done to prevent or alleviate an allergic reaction.

Stop Smoking And Being Around Smokers

Smoking increases your risk of having an allergic reaction. The smoke can get in your nasal passages and lungs, which affects your breathing. If you smoke, then you need to quit and stop being around smokers.

The symptoms related to hay fever can be unpleasant and debilitating. You must be aware of things that trigger your allergy. It is possible to manage this condition by avoiding triggers and using a combination of medication. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor today.  Your doctor can help you with developing a plan for how to deal with high pollen days. It helps to understand your body and to talk to your doctor about any concerns.

For more information, contact a center such as Mid America Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic PC.